API Reference

After launching a job with Chunk Url Async, you can check on the status of your request with this endpoint.

The response can take two different shapes.

  1. If the job is in progress:
      "Status": "Processing"
  2. If the job is successful:
      "Status": "Finished",
      "Url": "https://reducto-processing-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/...",
      "Results": ...

The provided URL is a presigned url to download the JSON results from S3. This link expires within 60 minutes of making the request. If the results are sufficiently small (< 1 MB in JSON), then they are also provided directly in JSON format via the "Results" key.


Please don't abuse this endpoint, requests at more than 1 request per 5 seconds will be rate limited.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!