API Reference
  • Header — Positioned at the document's top margin.
  • Footer — Located at the document's bottom margin.
  • Title — A primary heading within the document (extra large bold text at the top of a page usually).
  • Section Header — Headings for distinct sections of the document.
  • Page Number — Identifier for the document's pages.
  • List Item — Elements of a list, possibly with leading tabs to show hierarchy.
  • Figure — Marks the placement of images within the document.
  • Table — Represents data organized in rows and columns, formatted as HTML.
  • Key Value — Denotes areas in the document where information is filled in or selections are made, such as form fields. Key value pairs within these regions will be formatted with square brackets and an equal sign. For example, [Raunak likes dogs=SELECTED] would be the output of a checked checkbox next to text that says Raunak likes dogs.
  • Text — Standard blocks or lines of text throughout the document.